WC: Senior Syllabus

The Senior Syllabus continues to develop your understanding and abilities within the Wing Chun system, and completes the Student Syllabus. As before, it is split into four components organised into a rotation system of three four-month terms. All Senior students train the same material together, but are expected to perform it at a grade-appropriate level by the end of the term.
– Student Grades: 9-12
– T-shirt Colour: Brown

Term 1: Starts January, Grading: May
Term 2: Starts May, Grading: September
Term 3: Starts September, Grading: December

Grading will be: Monday 9th September – Saturday 14th September

1. Form
The Form component focuses on the second Wing Chun form, Cham Kiu, along with applications for each section. It introduces new strategies and techniques, some of which were used in previous Self Defence components, but are developed more fully in the Senior grades.
– The Form component of the Senior syllabus is grade specific, and so is outside of the termly rotation system. Check out the Cham Kiu course for more details.

2. Chi Sau
The Chi Sau component continues from the Intermediate syllabus, looking to develop your attacking and defending abilities.
– The Chi Sau component of the Senior syllabus is grade specific, and so is outside of the termly rotation system. Check out the Senior Chi Sau course for more details.

3. Self Defence
The Self Defence component incorporates everything you’ve learnt so far to help you deal with more high energy and complex self defence scenarios.
– This term we are focusing on: Weapons Awareness. Click here for details.

4. Theory
The Theory component is connected to the current Self Defence rotation, and focuses on deepening your understanding of the context, strategies, and other factors relating to it.
– This term we are focusing on: Weapons Awareness. Click here for details.

Grade 12 is the last Revision Grade where you will demonstrate all the material from the whole Student Syllabus to a higher standard. Grade 12 also includes an even longer Pressure Test which takes different aspects from the syllabus and combines them with pad work in an exercise aimed at putting you and your Wing Chun under pressure.

You can find full details of the Senior syllabus on the Senior Syllabus Overview as well as a downloadable PDF version.

Not Enrolled
Siu Nim Tao Form Group
14 Lessons

WC: Siu Nim Tao – Form

‘Little Idea Form’

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Not Enrolled
6 Lessons

WC: Cham Kiu – Form

‘Sinking the Bridge’

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0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
9 Lessons

WC: Theory

The theory part of the syllabus is designed to help you learn the concepts and ideas that underpin our Wing…

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Not Enrolled
4 Lessons

WC: Senior Chi Sau

Chi Sau is a term used in Wing Chun Kung Fu to describe a type of training exercise that is…

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Not Enrolled
3 Lessons

WC: Senior – Multiple Assailants

Two main strategies:– You face your attackers.– Your attackers encircle you. Two main scenarios:– Self Defence: with the aim of…

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Not Enrolled
18 Lessons

WC: Senior Lat Sau – Locks, Controls, and Takedowns

The aim is for the techniques to be applied whilst minimising the chances of injuring your opponent. Some techniques can…

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Not Enrolled
8 Lessons

WC: Senior – Weapons Awareness

Concepts and Ideas Understand the difference between defending against an unarmed attack and a weapon attack. It is important to…

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Not Enrolled
3 Lessons

WC: Pressure Tests

The final part of a Revision Grade is the Pressure Test, which is a combination of padwork, Chi Sau, and…

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