WC: Intermediate – Close Range Strikes

Elbows: understanding the correct range, only attacking with these strikes when appropriate.

  1. Using elbows (rotational power) to break opponents guard.
  2. Using elbows to defend (usually elbows).
  3. Using elbows to strike opponent.

Knees: keeping contact with attacker’s leg, keeping pressure into opponent.

  1. Aiming for knee contact when appropriate.
  2. Knees are used when the way is not clear for the arms.

Clinch: forward pressure through all points of contact as the primary defence.

  1. Clinch requires awareness of double o[] and i[] pressure.

Students should look to use close range strikes as follow ups to get familiar with how to use them.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 14 Activities