YKF: Senior Syllabus

The Senior Syllabus builds on the work from the Beginner and Intermediate syllabus and is split into three components organised into a rotation system of three terms.
– Student Grades: 9-12
– T-shirt Colour: Navy, once you pass Grade 12 you get to wear a black t-shirt

Rotation 1: Starts January, Grading: 25th March – 5th April
Rotation 2: Starts April, Grading: 1st – 12th July
Summer Training: Starts July, Grading: 26th – 30th August (SG4, SG8 and SG12 only)
Rotation 3: Starts September. Grading: 2nd-13th December

  1. Form
    The Senior Syllabus begins training in applications of the Siun Nim Tao sections.
    – This term we are focussing on: Part 3. Check out the Siu Nim Tao course for more details.
  2. Self Defence
    The Self Defence component focuses on developing sensitivity, reflexes, and adaptability through a variety of tactile drills and self defence exercises; what happens once contact is made.
    Rotation 1: Weapons Awareness. Rotation 2: Multiple Assailants. Rotation 3: Controlling Techniques
  3. Theory
    All students need to know what considerations need to be taken into account for Controlling Techniques, Weapons and Multiple Assailants. Check out the YKF: Theory course for more details.

Grade 12 is a Revision Grade where you will demonstrate all the material from the previous eleven grades to a higher standard. Grade 12 also includes a Pressure Test which takes different aspects from the syllabus and combines them with pad work in an exercise aimed at putting you and your Wing Chun under pressure.
Once you become 16 you will be eligible to move up to the adults Wing Chun classes. You can check out details of the transition here.

You can find full details of the Youth Kung Fu Senior syllabus on the Youth Kung Fu: Senior Syllabus Overview, as well as a downloadable PDF version.

Not Enrolled
3 Lessons

YKF: Theory

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Not Enrolled
9 Lessons

YKF: Senior – Controlling Techniques

The aim is for the techniques to be applied whilst minimising the chances of injuring your opponent. Some techniques can…

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Not Enrolled
3 Lessons

WC: Senior SD – Multiple Assailants

Two main strategies:– You face your attackers.– Your attackers encircle you. Two main scenarios:– Self Defence: with the aim of…

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Not Enrolled
5 Lessons

YKF: Senior – Weapons Awareness

Concepts and Ideas Understand the difference between defending against an unarmed attack and a weapon attack. It is important to…

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Not Enrolled
Siu Nim Tao Form Group
3 Lessons

YKF: Form: Siu Nim Tao

Siu Nim Tao, or Little Idea Form, is the first of 3 unarmed forms found in the Wing Chun system,…

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