WC Revision Grades 4, 8, 12

If you’ve just passed your Grade 3 and are wondering what happens next, read on …


As you may know by now, Grades 4, 8 and 12 are different from the regular grades because you need to re-do all the previous grades’ material at a higher level. Grade 4 usually takes two to three grading cycles due to the amount of material needed to cover, however depending on your ability and skill it can certainly be done in one cycle. Grades 8 and 12 usually take two to three grading cycles.

In the regular grades we have a plan for what we teach each week, however in these Revision Grades you’ll usually be given the option to choose what you would like to train as you have more material to cover than the other grades. Our advice is to have a copy of the Syllabus with you and to work through the exercises a few each week based on how well you know them. The other students going for Revision Grades will help you out, and you can plan your training as a group.

You can download a copy of the syllabus from these links – Beginner, Intermediate, Senior – and if you don’t have access to a printer we can print one for you.

The final part of a Revision Grade is the Pressure Test, which is a combination of padwork, self defence, and free applications against unknown attacks. For Grade 4 this is two minutes long, Grade 8 is 4 minutes long, and Grade 12 is 6 minutes long.

When you pass your Revision Grade you are also awarded a new t-shirt as a congratulations from us.

Good luck, and let us know if you have any questions.