Silent Masters

Meditative exercises to develop focus, self awareness and imagination.

Silent Masters is an exercise we try to do in every class and differs from other parts of our classes in that the main focus is on the mind and not physical movement, although it does aim to provide physical relaxation and some physical movement is necessary to aid the visualisations. 

Silent Masters is designed to help the kids develop their focus, concentration, self control, self awareness and imagination. It usually starts with the class sitting in their down positions with their eyes closed while the class leader gets them to focus on exactly how their body is positioned and most importantly their breathing. The aim is for all the kids to remain focused on what the leader is saying, following their instructions and remaining silent. Just this seemingly simple exercise of sitting without fidgeting can challenge the focus, concentration and self control of some of our kids and concentrating on their body positioning and breathing can really develop their sense of self awareness.

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 11 Lessons