Tiny Tigers

In our classes we use martial arts as a way to teach fundamental skills that have been shown to predict success later in life: Awareness, Focus, Resilience, and the ability to Integrate these skills in all that you do. We aim to support each child’s natural growth, helping them to coordinate their bodies and minds, to have fun exercising and being physical, and to learn to overcome challenges which we believe to be the first step towards becoming a confident and successful person. At all ages these skills are largely taught through fun games, play and meditation.

In our Tiny Tigers classes children learn a series of Kung Fu moves inspired by two different animals to help them develop their physical co-ordination and engage their imaginations. 

Term 1: September – December 2024

 This term the Tiny Tigers are training in movements inspired:

*** Octopus vs Shark ***


 Click the link above, or the Current Term picture to access the course.


Previous Tiny Tigers Forms: